
When Traffic Exchanges Slow Down

Sometimes slow downs can occur. Like recently StartXchange Traffic Exchange started to delivery slower. They say it'll speed back up.

But until then what do you do? I like to surf as much, or more, than I normally do. Many will slow down, but that means when things start to pick up pace they'll have less traffic left than I will. And then the power of the traffic exchange will be on my side.


Misconseptions about Traffic Exchanges

Many people say that traffic exchanges are a waste of time. In reality, they just don't know how to use them properly.

If you created an advertisement for tv, and didn't get any new customers, would that mean tv ads don't work? Of course not! So why expect more from a traffic exchange?

The key to advertising on manual traffic exchanges is to realize it's a traffic exchange! People are there to earn traffic to their own website, so they are most likely not going to read your whole site!

You need to capture their attention! Splash pages work great on traffic exchanges. They are simple, fast loading, and grab attention.

Just remember when you create a page, have a call to action, and make it big! A big blue link saying "Click here to ..." works great.